Day 4 – A hard day on the AT

On January 24th I set out on a 7-day kayaking adventure across Everglades National Park. I camped over th...
This was a northbound section hike of the Appalachian Trail starting at East Flagstaff Road (NB mile 2025...
This is part 2 of my June 2019 section hike in the Sierra. Original Hike Plan Falls Victim to Injury My i...
The Foothills Trail extends 77 miles as it crosses the highest point in South Carolina and crosses numero...
On October 10, 2019, I began a 199.5 mile southbound section hike from Swift Run Gap in Shenandoah Nation...
We woke up to rain and packed quickly to hike into Hanover for breakfast and resupply. It was a wet 16 mile day from Velvet Rocks Shelter to Thistle Rock. Stopped at Happy Hill Shelter for lunch where we met Beast, Shaker, and Woods Strider. Beast and Shaker were were with us for the night at Thistle Rock Shelter. Not much to report. Tough day. Sleeping in shelter tonight in order to dry out. Here is another salamander. They must love the rain. The trail leaves New Hampshire and enters Vermont on...
It was warm and humid and my shirt was soaked in sweat by the time I topped out on the first climb of 1200 ft. We had a few periods of rain. The trail became mostly easy but I was still worn out by the time I covered 15 miles. Here is where we ate lunch. Moose Mountain Shelter. We topped off water here but we were running low by the time we reached Ledyard spring, near Velvet Rock Shelter. Here is spring and sign. This salamander came out at night....
Our first day was a tough one. Not really. We covered 0.8 miles of the AT from Dorchester road to Trapper John Shelter. Our enthusiastic shuttle driver, Chis the geologist quickly filled us in on the 100 million year history of the area. The rain had stopped. Sheffy and I made our way uphill. I organized my cluttered pack, we set up tents, and were glad we did when we saw a bold shelter mouse. After dinner of red beans, rice, tofurkey sausage, and mashed potatoes, all mixed...