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PCT North California, PCT Trail Towns / 12.05.2018

Tehachapi owes it's lively and attractive presence to an event back in 1876.  That year signaled the completion of the Tehachapi Loop of the Southern Pacific Railroad bringing the railroad to Tehachapi. This vital railroad link between the productive Central Valley and much of the rest of the nation was later double tracked to accommodate high demand for transportation needs. Northbound PCT hikers walk across this double track shortly before reaching Highway 58 at the Cameron exit. Here is where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses the "double track". View...

PCT South California, PCT Thru Hike / 04.05.2018

Flipped to Walker Pass and hiking south toward Hikertown. Hiked 23.9 PCT miles. At mile 517. 6. One Man Band was walking north along the LA aqueduct with a guitar strapped to his pack when I stopped to chat with him. Everyone who thru-hikes carries a part of themselves with them. For One Man Band, it is the love of music and the way that music opens people up to self expression. One Man Band told me that he found PCT hikers particularly expressive. I’ve seen this myself with the...

PCT South California, PCT Thru Hike / 02.05.2018

Flipped to Walker Pass and hiking south toward Hikertown. Hiked 16.7 PCT miles. At mile 541.5. The weather was on my mind. I didn’t want another windy day. The wind wasn’t as strong and as clouds gathered the wind seemed to stop at times. As I continued to climb toward the clouds, I became a little worried about rain. I never reached the clouds, but at the highest elevation for the day a few snowflakes fell for a short while. As I lay here under the tarpon Tylerhorse canyon, the...

PCT South California, PCT Thru Hike / 01.05.2018

Flipped to Walker Pass and hiking south toward Hikertown. Hiked 8.2 PCT miles. At mile 558.2. I stayed in the Santa Fe motel last night. Hot shower and room to organize my resupply. A plus is that it is across the street from Kohnen’s Country Bakery, a popular hiker spot for delicious pastries and coffee. I had a roll with eggs and sausage cooked inside and an almond danish. Witt’s End is a place where Dalton, who happens to be from my hometown, Atlanta, runs a place for hikers to hangout,...