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PCT North California, PCT Thru Hike / 28.06.2018

At mile 1634.5. Hiked 20.7 miles today. Here is a close up view showing the layers of marble found in Marble Mountain Wilderness. Wildflowers, Marble, and Trail. I flushed out a grouse. I heard one of the chicks peep, then silence. The hen moved in clear sight while drwing. attention to itself. And away from any hidden chicks. This is a pattern that I have seen before and will see again later this day. I think this is how grouse outwit bobcats and the like. Mother hen distracts to save the...

PCT North California, PCT Thru Hike / 27.06.2018

At mile 1613.7. Hiked 14.1 miles today. I rode the Hiker Hut provided bicycle all over town. Among other destinations was the post office where I sent my first ever bounce box. IThe postal service will allow you to keep forwarding a package as long as you don’t accept delivery by opening the package. Hikers use this to send themselves things up the trail. In my case I had fleece pants and a down jacket that I won’t need until it gets colder. I sent it via Priority Mail...

PCT North California, PCT Thru Hike / 25.06.2018

At mile 1599.7. Hiked 8.9 miles today.  Dan, the Packer, gave me a ride down the summit into Etna.This means that he leads his pack mules up the PCT to supply trail maintainers. He has also used his mules to support last year’s fire fighting effort for the Island Fire in Klamath National Forest. Horses and a mule where Dan was headed when he dropped me off. One time long ago, Dan was leading his mules down trail when a cougar appeared next to the trail. The cougar quickly crouched down behind...

PCT North California / 25.06.2018

At mile 1590.8. Hiked 24.7 miles today.  Vertical Feet Ascent was 4500. The last 3 days have had beautiful vistas of mountains, meadows, and rock formations. Each day better than the last with today being the best. Photos don’t translate, but I’m sharing a lot of photos today. Here is what I thought were cool rocks. I see a lot of rock fields and I don’t know what it was about this one that stood out for me.  Flowers with mountain background in morning light. Trail with Russian Mountain in background. Entering...