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Cycling / 23.05.2011

It rained during the night. More lightening than rain and I stayed dry. I was up at 5 AM. A tame dear stalked my camp looking for a handout. Shortly after 6 AM I had finished oatmeal and coffee and was on my bike. By 8:30 AM I was eating my 2nd breakfast of 2 eggs and French toast. Met several a thru hikers including Curmudgeon during my tuna salad lunch. Wildlife included a beautiful turkey gobble. On the bike you hear all of the birds....

Cycling / 22.05.2011

May 21 and 22 has been spent riding 93 miles from Union Station in Washington DC to Skyline Dr in Front Royal, VA. After deboarding train and putting on pedals, handlebar, panniers, etc. I charged into DC traffic and was soon riding past the Supreme Court, Capitol building, Smithsonian, Washington Monument, and Lincoln Memorial. As usual, tourists were in force. A few willing tourists agreed to snap my photo, all foreigners, from Austria and Italy. After crossing the Potomac, I followed the river upstream on the very narrow...

Cycling / 19.05.2011

I leave tomorrow on the night train from Atlanta to Washington D.C.. I have been resting up this past week with only a couple of 25 mile days. My back is still a little sore and stiff after a strain suffered while digging in the garden last Sunday morning. Some rest, stretching, light bike riding, and Ibuprofen has helped and I am ready to go. Here are my kids, Taylor and Rebecca, on the Silver Comet trail with me last Sunday....

Cycling / 03.05.2011

The mosquitoes went away once the temperatures dropped and I slept well in my hammock. I packed and rode my bike a few miles into Helen, GA where I found the Subway. I was planning on an egg sandwich and hot coffee, but Subway did not open until 9 AM. Since it was just after 7 AM, I ate an egg white vegetable omelet, grits, toast, and coffee at the Huddle House. I picked up a pack of fig newtons at the gas station and was soon pedaling...