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Articles / 09.01.2017

With the exception of an occasional day hike, water is the one item that you begin the day with the need to plan for resupply. For its volume, water is the heaviest item in your pack. Carrying more than a little excess water isn't a good way to keep your pack weight low. On the other hand, it is important to always keep enough water on hand to keep from becoming dehydrated. For those reasons, water requires more planning and attention than probably any other item you will carry. Containers First,...

Hiking / 22.11.2016

Wilbur Shelter at 3 am - Mouse has chewed 4 or 5 holes in foot of down bag. Down pouring out. Repaired with duct tape. Laid back down and heard mouse return. Caught mouse in headlamp. Considered waiting up for mouse second time and smashing with broom and I even practiced my reach and swing. The above paragraph is an excerpt from  Trail Journals First Day Vermont/Mass . Click that link to read a day by day account of the 10 day AT 110 mile hike from Manchester Center, VT...

Hiking / 09.11.2016

At almost nine o’clock last night, a group of three more hikers arrived at the shelter. They were considerate, knowing that hiker midnight had past and some of us inside were already sleeping… Source: First Falls...

Colorado, Hiking, Western US / 26.07.2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 The Decalibron is Mt. Democrat (14,148 ft), Mt. Cameron (14,238 ft), Mt. Lincoln (14,286 ft), and Mt Bross (14,172 ft). These four 14'ers in the Mosquito range can be climbed in a single day. I started at the Kite Lake trailhead. The road to the trailhead is bad in 2 spots, one about a mile from the parking lot and another about a quarter mile from the parking lot. For details on doing this hike I recommend using 14ers.com .     Mt. Bross closed, but that didn't stop hikers....