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PCT South California, PCT Thru Hike / 06.04.2018

Hiked 12.6 PCT miles, Detour on Spitler Trail, Total 17.6 miles hiked today, At mile 168.6 i saw a Tarantula photo on the PCT2018 FB group and was reminded that several days ago, Jack and Quoi were talking about seeing a fight between a Tarantula and a snake. The snake was losing. It seemed like I was going uphill all day. I reached the highest elevation of the hike, over 7200 feet. The climbs were steeper than those of previous days. The trail is closed from mile 168.6 to mile...

PCT South California, PCT Thru Hike / 04.04.2018

Hiked 21.2 miles today, At mile 156 Here is a sample of my diet and calorie burn. I started the hike weighing 167 pounds. I think I’ll need to eat more than this to maintain weight. Ate a breakfast of 2 pop tarts and a cup of cold coffee then hiked nearly 11 miles to a water tank and picnic table where I had peanut butter on a sandwich thin. Then I hiked 6.5 miles to the highway, caught a ride to the Paradise Cafe where I really ate. There,...

PCT South California / 04.04.2018

Hiked 20.1 miles, At 134.8 miles. I started hiking at 6 am and finished about 6 pm, but I took several long breaks and some shorter ones. Although I feel strong, a muscle on the outside of my right shinbone feels sore when walking downhill. Near the end of the day, I noticed that it was bruised looking and swollen, so even though I wanted to keep hiking, I thought it best to take the next tent site. Over the day, the terrain changed from shady creek side to pink...

PCT South California / 03.04.2018

Hiked 20.3 miles today. At mile 114.7 Crossed the 100 mile mark today, completed my first resupply, completed my first week, and hike 2nd 20 mile day. A hiking family on Easter break were camped in the same site as me. As I headed out, I was surprised to see they were actually seconds in front of me haven broken camp very fast. I hiked along with them and found out that the family did the PCT in 2015. The youngest, Whisper, was 9 at the time. Last year the...