Uphill's 2018 Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike - Uphillhike
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At mile 2325.7. Hiked 24.8 miles today. I used the Thermocell during a morning break and at lunch. It kept the mosquitoes away so could take off the head net and relax without those pesky bloodsuckers bothering me.  I’m happy with Thermocell. I broke camp at Busch Lake and walked past a number of ponds while hiking through one of the worst mosquito infested areas I had seen. Mosquitoes were in a swarm around my head net. This is Busch Lake where I camped. I passed by Yellow Cedars that grow in...

At mile 2300.9. Hiked 21.4 miles today.  Today was a short day into White Pass where I resupplied with a package sent to Kracker Barrell. I barely beat the Miriam Fire trail closure south of White Pass. In fact, it was officially reported at 11 AM and I was hiking through that area around noon.  After spending most of the day at Kracker Barrel, I started hiking again at 6:20 pm and hiked into the dark some time after 9 pm. The area full of scum ponds and  was infested...

At mile 2249.4. Hiked 20.5 miles today. Camping at Lava Springs. The highlight of the day was viewing the massive glaciers of Mt Adams.  New shoes helped my feet and legs handle the trail much better. My feet and toes only felt a little tingly, not tingly to the point of losing feeling. I also saw my first elk of this trip. It was a female that quickly trotted off. Here is a view of Mt Adams. Glaciers on Mt Adams People: Camping with Cache22 and Yoga at Lava Springs....

I’m staying in Trout Lake a 2nd night making today a zero miles hiked day. I’m lucky to have gotten a private room at the grocery so I’m living in style in downtown Trout Lake. An extra bonus is that there is a bathtub where I soaked in a warm bath of Epsom salts.  Cache 22 and I used the bathrobes provided while all our clothes were in the washer. Nobody seemed to notice. I received new Altra Olympus shoes in Trout Lake. Here are the Altras that went to...

At mile 2279.5. Hiked 30.1 miles today. Total 5830-foot ascent today. Steeper grades and rocky trail surfaces in portions of Goat Rock near Knife’s Edge. Two significant snow crossings on steep slopes.  We noticed patterns in the trail that indicated it rained in some areas the previous night, but I have yet to have it rain on my tent. Here is some Larkspur. Here are photos of the Goat Rocks area. A cairn. Meadow I liked this unusual pile of rocks. With only trekking poles, we took care while crossing this snow slope. A single...

At mile 2228.9. Hiked 15.4 miles today. Here is Mosquito Creek. In my opinion  there are many lakes and creeks and campsites that should be named after this swarming blood thirsty pest. Here is one of the few open spots along today’s trail. The next section will be much different having  great views. Here is a view of Mt Baker from the outskirts of Trout Lake. It was easy hitching into town. My ride, Bill even drove me past all the main stops in town and explained where everything was located....