Yosemite Archives - Uphillhike
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Hiking, Pacific Crest Trail, Western US, Yosemite / 16.02.2013

There were more bear and bear cubs than I bargained for during a week hiking thru Yosemite Wilderness North Country in September. On the 2nd day, I had the panic of running up on a couple of bear cubs and wondering whether I might be between an unseen mother bear and her cubs. On the final day, I was resting on the trail side when a mother bear and cub passed within feet of me totally unaware of my presence. Read on for more on these and my...

Hiking, Western US, Yosemite / 15.10.2010

Mt. Lyell Group - I was camping up there! Yosemite Log - Day 5 Tarp was coated with condensation ice this morning. My main concern was climbing Vogel Pass given how i felt yesterday. I paced myself to keep my heart rate down. Felt anxious but never felt bad. I was at the top quickly. The backside did not have a drop off. All of Vogelsang was high. Past Vogelsang toward Bernice Lake there was a large meadow. It must have been more than a mile across in every direction....

Hiking, Western US, Yosemite / 15.10.2010

Yosemite Log - Day 4 at campsite 1 mile from Vogelsang Pass I am camping where my intineray had me tonight. I arrived here at 3:30 pm, but was smart enough not to attempt 11,000 ft Vogelsang pass tonight. Already had enough trouble with the elevation. Tonight I am around 9500 ft.. I hiked the last section up Lewis Creek while listening to tunes on the iPhone. It took my mind off the tired part of the day. Don't usually like listening to tunes while I hike. I am...

Hiking, Western US, Yosemite / 15.10.2010

Yosemite lg day 4 - lunch at Lewis creek trail isberg junction According to the map the first section was supposed to be 8.9 miles. Sitting here by the sign it shows 11.2 miles. I had thought that was the longest 8 miles I had ever hiked. Elevation did not help either. I had no appetite and felt bad from the little I ate. I only had a piece of flat bread with some peanut butter for breakfast. I was suffering some. Now I have 3 miles up Lewis...

Hiking, Western US, Yosemite / 15.10.2010

Yosemite lg day 3 - frm tent Only 6:30, but I am in the tent for the night. I am at 9500 feet elevation and it is cold here when the sun leaves. I have been battling a headache. Gets worse at night. Took a couple of Ibuprofin before bed. Last night I had to wake up and get the I out if the bear locker. Nice view of Mt Lyell in the distance. Some bad looking clouds are gathering around Lyell. Otherwise it is clear. My peanut butter leaked again....

Hiking, Yosemite / 15.10.2010

Yosemite log day 3 from Washburn lake It is 9:30 am and I am taking a long break at Washburn lake. Granite masses rise from each side of the lake and snow covered Isberg Peak can be seen up the valley. The sun is over the peak and rising quickly. The water is still. This morning I found that peanut butter spilled out of the ziplock bag. I scraped the spill onto a flatbread and ate it for breakfeast rather than my usual oatmeal. ...