08 Aug Day 108 – Skykomish
- At mile 2464.2. Hiked 10.3 miles today.
Today I hiked into Stevens Pass and hitched a ride for the 14 miles to Skykomish where I stayed at Cascadia Inn.
With a morning start at 5:20 am the air was not moving and the mosquitoes were harassing me the whole way. I hiked past several lakes and a long way through the ski area at Stevens Pass. The bartender in Skykomish later told me that Vail Resorts had just bought the ski resort and were closing the deal in a month.
While in town there was a lot of discussion about how to get around the trail closure for the Lake Bannock Fire. My choice is shuttle from Holden Village to Lady of the Lakes Ferry up to Stehekin. There are at least 2 other choices and actually many more when using combinatorial mathematics and taking into account various possibilities of trails, shuttles , and ferries. Some are more purist for PCT hiking than others. Everyone has their own idea on what it means to hike the PCT.
Planning is a little difficult since I have no definite info on the shuttle. I need to make sure Inhave enough food in case I get “stuck”.
Skykomish is a cute tiny town. Nice place to visit and stay the night.