09 Jul Day 78 – 30 Mile Day
Day 78 – 30 Mile Day
At mile 1892.5. Hiked 30.7 miles today.
I hiked 30 miles today because there was water (a pond) at 29 miles and a campsite a mile further. About 3 miles before I arrived at the pond, I thought I saw a huge lake through the woods. With a mosquito head net on you can’t be sure what you are seeing. This turned out to be Diamond Lake. It was not listed as a water source on Guthook. I think the reason was that it would be obvious in map mode. I was using list mode. Since I wanted my 30, I continued hiking to my originally intended stop.
Here is Diamond Lake in Diamond Lake. This area also had many ponds and wet areas and swarms of mosquitoess throughout.
My 30 mile day put me in a good position for early arrival the next day at Shelter Cove where I could eat at the cafe and take a shower.
Here is view where I uploaded my blog when Avocado passed me back.
Here are tall trees with moss hanging from branches. Much of Oregon is walking through woods with moss laden branches. The draped moss looks like South Georgia.
I passed Avocado where he still was asleep in his tent. Later, as I was taking advantage of a good signal to upload my blog, Avocado passed me. The next day I ran into Avocado leaving Shelter Cove. He hadn’t taken a shortcut on the Skyline trail and hiked 35 miles to get to Shelter Cove the day before me.