25 Jun Day 61 – Deadfall Lakes
At mile 1544.3. Hiked 23.2 miles today.
The trail was a series of ups and downs in the morning which did its damage early causing my legs to be sore later in the day on much easier trail.
The morning is of soft light.
I came to White Ridge Spring. No treatment of water here. (Anyway, I have all of the drugs needed to treat many waterborne illnesses and it’s symptoms.) It was coming straight out of the ground; cool and refreshing.
Here is the trail. Can you find the little patch of snow farther up the mountain? First nearby snow in a long time.
Here is Mt Eddy, elevation 9025 feet.
I stopped at Deadfall lake for lunch and a quick dunk in the lake. Some day hikers were hiking a few miles in from a parking lot at Parks Creek trailhead to visit this beautiful spot.
Here is another lake with Mt Shasta in the background.
Another view of this lake.
The nearly ever-present Mt Shasta.
A cool dead tree. Don’t know why I like dead trees. I just do. It is driftwood that doesn’t drift, only stretching its lonely arms to the bleaching sun.
Here is the approach to my tent site for tonight.
Lake below my tent site and bluff next to my tent site.
My tent.
View of bluff from my tent
Met Rifle (NOBO) from Monterrey, Mexico.Rifle has a Zpack Nero and travels ultralight. He does not carry a stove. He soaks his oatmeal and Ramen noodles and he eats pop tarts and energy bars.