20 Apr Day 22 – Baden Powell
Hiked 14.5 miles today. At mile 383.9.
Today I was leaving town so I didn’t get started hiking until 11.30 AM. The big hiking event of the day was summiting Mt Baden Powell.
Getting back to Inspiration Point was easy. A trail angel had lent Wallet his old Ford Bronco and Wallet had been driving all over and taking hikers around town and back to the trail. Cricket and Chaucer were getting in the Bronco so I asked if I could come along. Wallet said, “Come on”. I felt a little bad because Wallet was the guy that I decided not to let share a room at Pine Lodge with Nuts and I. It worked out for him though because he got a free room, board, and car. What a town!
Here is Baden Powell.
It is 4 miles to the summit. There is a climb of 3000 vertical feet over that distance. Making the climb more challenging is the fact that I am carrying new food supplies.
Here is the sign.
Here is a 1500 year old tree near the summit of Baden Powell. The Wally tree.
Here is a view back toward Mt San Antonio.
Here is snow on the trail on the way up Baden Powell.