01 Jun London Bald Trail
Having not checked the map, I thought a hike to London Bald and back would make a good end to the last day of the trip. After more than 2 miles of leg ripping briers and undergrowth, I checked the map. Realizing that London Bald was much farther than I had assumed, I turned around for the hike back to the car. Less than 5 minutes later, all in a single instant I perceived movement and felt something strange underfoot and a brush across my right leg. The brain neurons that instruct flight reaction fired and I bounded a couple of quick steps before I understood that there was a rattlesnake in the trail. A short second later the snake was coiled and its signature buzz started. Realizing how close I came to the snake, I felt just a little queasy.
It had been almost exactly 6 years ago in the same month and only a few miles away that I first saw a large rattler on the trail. That time it was on Fires Rim Creek trail (video Rattlesnake on FRC trail) and I was fortunate to have seen the snake a few steps before reaching it. Not so, this time. I had been right on top of it. (video Rattlesnake on London Bald trail)
Short hike 2.6 miles out and back on the south end of London Bald trail.