04 Oct More on Six Gap Century RIde
Here are some more videos of my ride. The climb up Unicoi Gap. This is where I was really beginning to feel some soreness in my legs. It didn’t matter much other than the fact that I knew that I had the Hogpen Gap 6.5 mile climb still to come. I didn’t want to blow out my legs before I started that climb.
Here is a little video of a white blaze of the AT (Appalachian Trail) on the top of Hogpen Gap. This is more than a blaze to me. It is a milestone. I have ridden to the top of Hogpen Gap. All downhill from here! Not really, but relatively speaking it should be much easier rest of the way as long as my legs don’t give out. The AT is a big deal to me because I do a lot of hiking on the AT and elsewhere. This Century crosses the AT 6 times. It is a 6 Gap ride, but also a 6 AT crossing.