04 Aug Day 102 – Low Energy Start
Day 102
At mile 2351.7. Hiked 26 miles today. – August 1, 2018
Today, checking the fire report, I found out that the fire at White Pass was named the Miriam Fire and that the area which included the PCT and other trails had been closed. The fire was first reported on Monday, July 30th, 11:00 AM, less than an hour before I walked through the area and noticed an orange glow to the sunlight filtering through the trees. The fire was caused by a lightening strike.
I also found out that two sections of the PCT ahead of me were closed due to fire. One closure for the Cutthroat Fire is at Rainey Pass. The other is at Suiattle Pass from mile 2552 to mile 2572.
I started the morning with a climb so I had early morning views like this.
I could look back and see Mt Adams in the distance. This photo is zoomed in a great deal. I could also look back at the jagged line of the Goat Rocks.
I was particularly tiered and low energy so upon reaching a spring after 8.3 miles, I laid out my mat and had snacks, cold water foot soak, 2 Advil, nap, Energ-C drink, and strong coffee to go. The rearranged of the day I was charging up the trail.
Looking down, I could see Sheep Lake where I had been camping only an hour or two earlier.
The morning sky was clear and the moon stood out against blue.
I reached crested a ridge of my first climb and saw the trail extending across a new vista.
The moon delighted me for hours. It shown not only against these rocks, but just above and to the left of Mt Ranier. As the day drew on and I had new views of Ranier, the moon grew closer to Washington’s most majestic peak.
I passed by the east side of Mt Ranier. The moon is out of frame, but it was there.
I saw bleached out timber standing like soldiers. It was a good time for a bbreak and to call home.