14 Jul Day 82 – Three Sisters
At mile 1972. Hiked 21.8 miles today.
I hiked through woods wearing raincoat and headnet against mosquitoes until I couldn’t stand the heat. After a climb I came out in this mosquito-free paradise. Time for photos and a rest break. This is South Sister, the 2nd highest mountain in Oregon.
Here are a sampling of the flowers I saw.
I had not seen this flower before. The petals have hairlike growth.
More flowers.
And this Indian Paintbrush just feet from my tent.
Here is South Sister.
This is a nice meadow enclosed by a lava flow on one side.
Here is the pond I swam in today. I had covered so much distance by 12:30 that I needed to take a long break so I wouldn’t be in camp too early. I set up my tent as a refuge from mosquitoes, took a short swim, ate lunch, and rested inside my tent safe from mosquitoes.
I entered the Obsidian Limited Entry Area and began seeing even more people than I had been seeing all day. A limited number of permits are issued for this popular area.
Huge obsidian chunks and slabs all over and small pieces like this One littering the ground.
I camped here just above Obsidian Falls.