13 Jul Day 80 – Oregon Timber Trail
At mile 1925.1. Hiked 18.5 miles today.
At my camp at Charlton Lake I met Steve who is one of the early riders of the new Oregon Timber Trail. This trail open to mountain bike touring is around 600 miles long. Steve was about halfway through.
Steve was wearing a Go-Lite shirt which is the brand of my backpack. Go-Lite went out of business years ago. Steve told me he had a Go-Lite Gust backpack for hiking. I told him that I had the Gust also and showed him my pack. Steve told me that when Go-Lite was going out of business knowing they would no longer be available, he had bought 10 of the Gust backpacks. Go-Lite has its following even after all these years. They are appreciated for being simple lightweight and very sturdy. Both Steve and I have used our Go-Lite Gusts over thousands of miles of hiking without any failure.
Earlier in the day I passed a number of lakes today starting with the three Rosary lakes. The tough part of the day was a long climb near The Twins in the hot sun at 2 PM. The pack seemed to get heavier as the day went on. I finally hauled myself into camp exhausted and shy of my daily 20 miles.
I liked the morning light on this plant.
This is a view of Ormond Lake where I had stayed at Shelter cove. There were a lot of boats out because there is a type of small salmon (10 – 12 inches) that can be caught in the morning. The big fish is Lake Trout which can be 3 feet long.
Here are the Rosary lakes. Lower, Middle, and Upper.
And Upper
This is Charlton Lake where I camped.
Middle Rosary Lake had these ducklings.