10 Jun Day 45 – Bear at campsite
At mile 1224.5. Hiked 20.8 miles today.
When I stuck my head out of the tent, I was surprised to see a spectacular sunrise.
The hiking was hard most of the day. There was a lot of climbing and the trail was rocky. My legs were sore most of the morning. The good part was great views of the Sierra Butte and many lakes.
Here is Sierra Butte.
Here is Sierra Buttes after hiking away from it all morning.
After lunch the trail got easier and smoother. I was still sore and tired though. After taking a nap at A Tree Spring, I felt rejuvenated. Met and older guy thru hiker at the spring. His name is Golden.
After a long climb I found that I had cell service so I checked in with the family. Shortly after that I had a great long distance view of Mt Shasta. Easy to identify because it is white. I had actually seen it two days ago before reaching Sierra City. It was a white smudge in the horizon at that distance.
There were still a few places with snow in the trail.
Here are a few lake views.
I’m camped along the West Branch of Nelson Creek. A little while ago I noticed a bear on the other side of the creek grazing his way toward me I yelled in order to run him off, but after that I felt the need to hang my food.
Blurry zoomed in photo of bear. The bear didn’t notice me saw I could have walked closer or just continue to let the bear approach and I could have taken a better photo. I decided against it.
As I was writing this I heard a loud noise outside my tent. Thinking the bear may have returned, I got up to investigate. It was a deer.