10 Jun Day 44 – Sierra City, What a day!
At mile 1203.7. Hiked 8.3 miles today.
Late last night after I had turned in, the Sheriff dropped a homeless drug addict off at the PCT camping area at the church. I never got out of my tent, but I heard some of the conversation between her and Evan and Peer Pressure. She was asking for things and otherwise rambling. I overheard her tell the others that she stole things. I won’t go into it, but today she was still around and my things started disappearing. The missing food I didn’t mind too much since it was left over and some food I took from the hiker box. Only later did I realize that my coffee was gone and now I’m on the trail for 5 days without coffee. It’s tough being a coffee addict. My entire personal hygiene kit went missing. I spent a great deal of time completely and methodically emptying my pack, pulling out my tent, etc from stuff sacks, going through gear in search of my kit. I ended up going to the store to purchase toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. Some items like chapstick I already had backup stored elsewhere.
At the coffee shop I heard more about the aggressive bear. The patron started listing off places the bear had broken into that included residences (in broad daylight), businesses, and even the Red Moose Cafe. She explained that there were actually 3 bears and Evan had encountered the nicer one, the one that would leave when you turned headlamps into it.
After coffee at the coffee shop ( no WiFi, but they use the guy’s WiFi across the street) and breakfast at Harrington Restaurant, I headed to the Post Office that opened at 10 AM. There, I picked up my new tent and my resupply box. Later, I took my old tent and Microspikes to the PO to mail back home.
I was finally ready to leave town.i had bought new sunglasses at the store and bought a Gatorade for the road. I nice resident gave me I ride up to the trail almost before I could start hitchhiking.
By the way, the church or the park? has pubic restrooms that include showers. I soon found out that they were cold showers. I guess that helps keep the hikers from hanging out in town too long.
It is a beautiful little town and I’d like to return as a tourist, but it doesn’t have much and what it does have keeps short hours.
The hike was mostly a climb up Sierra Buttes. Much of the trail was rubble and hard to walk on. Along the way I ate lunch from my resupply and nuts from the hiker box. It was hot and after lunch I started to feel slightly ill. I stopped early, just a little before 5 PM so I could take time setting up and getting familiar with my new tent. I also had a mew stove from the hiker box, actually Peer Pressure’s old stove. Thanks PP,
I set up everything and had dinner in my pot ready to cook. A couple came by with 2 dogs and the dogs ran up to my tent. I was worrying about my brand new expensive tent when I realized that one of the dogs was eating my supper. He only got a lick or two, but I called out to the owners that the dog got my food. The couple walked on like nothing happened and were disappearing down the mountain. I got mad and left my tent and yelled so they could hear. “Your dog got my food!” They walked on with no response. I yelled more. “I can’t believe that you won’t even give me an apology! I don’t know what your problem is!!” They walked on as if nothing happened and I want there.
I ate the dog licked dinner anyway. I think it actually improved the taste, but don’t tell the inconsiderate dog owners that.
What a day!
Here is my lunch spot.
View a few steps from my lunch spot.
Here are photos of Sierra Buttes
Here is the view from my tent site and photos of the first pitching of my new tent.
One last note. Other PCT hikers began arriving in town just as I was about to leave. Maybe I’ll have some hiking company. Only thing, they were all rail thin and had come through the Sierras so they may hike a little intense for my taste and ability.