22 Apr Day 26 – Vasquez Rocks
Hiked 16.3 miles today. At mile 460.6.m so tired,
I can barely write this. It is nearly 10 PM and I night hiked to a spot on a mountain overlooking the lights off Agua Dulce.
Here is the Santa Clara river. Gren slime.
Here are photos of the hike out of Acton.
I came over the mountain and saw this freeway in front of me.
Here is Vasquez rocks.
Aren’t family meal spaghetti at Big Mouth Pizza and felt unwell due to overeating.
This is just one garden at Hiker Heaven. My resupply box was sent there. Also took a shower there. Very well run, organized, clean, and beautiful and all free to hikers.
Here is Patches on left and Mountain Goat relaxing and watching horses at Hiker Heavan. Chickens wander around.
Sunset as I hike into the night.