21 Apr Day 23 – Yellow Legged Tree Frog
Hiked 17 trail miles today not including trail detour and jaunt to top of Mt Williamson. At mile 400.7
Yes, I’ve hiked 400 miles.
Today the trail detoured down Highway 2 to help save the Yellow Legged Tree Frog. I walked the entire reroute, but that was only because no cars came in my direction during the entire time I was walking 2.7 miles on Hwy 2.
Here is the trail closure.
Here is a lame ski resort named Snow Crest I walked by. The lifts had one seat. It was across the ateeet from the protected area. They can put in a ski resort, but they can’t let us walk through on a trail.
Here is Mout Williamson. I climbed it in the morning.
Tree on a rocky crag on Mt Williamson.
Here is a cool plant that seems so geometrically perfectly spherical.
Another Tree with blue sky.